The events business, she said, was crucial to the group in that it provides a constant revenue stream. 她说举办活动的业务对于集团至关重要,因为它是一个稳定的收入来源。
The biggest name in social networking has been looking for a way to diversify its revenue stream. 社交网络领域的大哥大一直在探索实现收入来源多元化的途径。
That means the revenue stream from these trades is somewhat protected from new entrants into the market. 这意味着这些交易产生的收入基本不会被市场新入者抢走。
Companies are also realizing that losing a customer means more than losing a single sale it means losing the entire revenue stream of purchases that the customer would make over a life_time of patronage. 企业也要意识到失去一个顾客并不仅仅意味着失掉一笔生意,它意味着这个顾客一生中所需进行的购买。
It might also be the case that Product G is very important to your company's revenue stream. 很有可能产品F与G由公司的其他部分创建,而产品F和G可能仍然由另一个公司创建。还有一种可能,就是产品G对公司的收益流非常重要。
We're actually making this business stronger by bringing in yet another type of revenue stream in the future. 实际上我们是在通过引入另一类收入来源让我们的业务在今后变得更强。
We are a human revenue stream; we are being made tenants in our own land, defined by the string of private fees we pay to exist here. 我们成为人力资金流,我们成为自己土地上的佃农,我们被捆绑在现实中存在的私有费用的绳索上。
Toy sales have held help up better than apparel and home-decor sales, but the revenue stream is still shrinking. 玩具销售额比举行有助于加快服装和家庭更好的装饰的销售,但收入流还在继续萎缩。
Theoretically, any asset that has a revenue stream can be transformed into a marketable debt security. 理论上,任何有收入流的资产都可以转化为可在市场上交易的债券。
A property tax would help bring down prices and provide local governments with a sustainable revenue stream. 开征物业税将有助于降低房价,并为地方政府开通一条可持续的收入来源。
So it's not just a onetime sale, but can lead an ongoing revenue stream. 所以这并不是一次性的交易,而是可以带来持续的收入。
Now designer trainers and superstar-endorsed spirits are finally being recognised as an important revenue stream. 现在,设计师品牌运动鞋和巨星代言的烈酒终于被认可为一个重要的收入流。
Banks speak of a war for talent capable of identifying and competing for the growing revenue stream. 投资银行谈到了一场人才大战,这些人才要能够发现不断增长的收入流并为之竞争。
Our main revenue stream is production support subscriptions, which are based on the number of instances of our software running ( i.e.the number of JVM instances in production). 我们的主要收入来源是产品支持订阅,它是基于我们软件运行的实例数(即,产品里的JVM实例数)进行收费的。
New platforms that support games either as a central feature or an additional revenue stream are being announced regularly. 支持中心特征或附加收入流的游戏的新平台正在有规律地发布。
Once the privacy elements are worked out, behavioral targeting of search data could open up a whole new revenue stream for engines. 一旦隐私权的内容得到解决,行为定位的搜索数据就打开了一个全新的收入流。
This growing phenomenon gives city slickers a taste of rural life while helping farmers diversify their revenue stream. 日渐兴盛的旅游在帮助农民收入的也让城市大人们有机会品味乡间生活。
The online retailer wants to turn its cloud computing business, Amazon Web Services, into a big revenue stream and a pillar of its service business. 这家在线零售商希望将云计算平台亚马逊网络服务打造为重要的收入来源和服务业务的支柱。
The victory sparked a surge in consumer spending on home video, creating a lucrative revenue stream for Hollywood. 这一胜利令消费者在家庭影像方面的支出大幅增长,为好莱坞带来了利润丰厚的收入。
Now content owners from magazine publishers to pay-television broadcasters are wondering why they put all their trust in a single advertising revenue stream. 如今,从杂志出版商到付费电视广播商等内容所有者正在纳闷,他们为何要把一切寄托于单一的广告收入流。
More broadly, China has moved to implement resources taxes, which would allow the state to gain a simpler revenue stream from mining and energy production. 更广义地说,中国已转向实行资源税制度,这将使国家以更简单的方式从采矿和能源生产活动获得财政收入。
He explains: I wanted to take the existing revenue stream and push the platform to the next level. 他解释说:我希望拿出现有的收入流,将整个平台推高一个层次。
The revenue stream has changed in Hollywood, he says. 好莱坞的收入来源已然改变,他说。
Nokia is hoping that mobile Internet services will provide it with a significant new revenue stream. 诺基亚希望移动网络服务能为它提供一个新的重要收入来源。
Moving ahead with a financial transaction tax will contribute to social justice and create a new revenue stream that will over time reduce member states 'contributions to the budget. 另外,推动金融交易税不但会有利于促进社会公正,还能创造新的收入来源,这在将来能够降低成员国的预算缴款。
Alibaba has transformed that belief into a strong revenue stream by offering Chinese suppliers a presence on its website in exchange for fixed payments. 通过在自己的网站上向中国供应商提供展示空间以换取固定报酬,阿里巴巴已经把这种信念转变为强大的收入流。
Production, marketing and talent costs have spiralled as sales of DVDs, the industry's most profitable revenue stream, have tumbled. 制片、营销和演员成本扶摇直上,而DVD销售(电影业盈利最丰厚的收入来源)已大幅下降。
We offer the most payment rate to help maximize your revenue stream. 我们提供最金率,以帮助最大限度地提高您的收入来源。